Author Topic: Guests Please Read before signing up for membership  (Read 29200 times)

Red Badger

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Guests Please Read before signing up for membership
« on: October 12, 2012, 07:16:05 PM »
It has come to my attention that several people who are joining the site are havng the membership conformation email being sent to their spam filters.  In this day and age I guess that is only fair so I will ask that if you are signing up for membership to this site please check your spam folder for a message from "" or add us to your address book so the email gets to you.  You should also receive a personal email from myself or one of the other factors on the site with the subject : Traditional Muzzleloading on the Cheap    so look for those also.  My email used for the site is "" and I can assure you I do not send out spam...
ADDED 8/01/2014
Also once you are sent the email welcoming you to the site you MUST post a response in the welcome wagon to let us know you can log in without difficulty.  If you do not your member ship will be terminiated on the first of the month, and you will have to reapply.  The reason for this is a modification to the site hosting software looking for phantom members.  I have tried to find away around it but cannot.

 Thanks for your understanding.

Red Badger
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 09:21:22 AM by Red Badger »
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